
Making Bread with Josie

Today was the day that Josie had her first lesson in bread-making.

She was so excited. Josie measured, mixed, and kneaded everything all by herself!

Josie felt so grown-up putting her smooth and elastic dough into the oven to rise.

All done!!!

Josie was a little disappointed that she wasn't old enough to use the electric knife, but quickly got over it when I let her cut the bread herself the old-fashioned way.

Doesn't that look good?!

Getting ready to take some to Daddy.

Daddy's make the best taste testers!

Ahhhhh! Josie enjoying the fruit of her labor.

The recipe we used was Amish White Bread from This is a fool-proof, beginner's recipe. We used one-third whole-wheat flour and I added cheddar cheese to mine. This is a very versatile recipe. 

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Just us.. said...

Great job Jossie..what a big girl you are,tell your mommy I have a very fun way that you,your brother and sister can maybe someday make your own butter for that yummy bread;)Well girl, you look so grown up in those pictures.I love you honey ...and that bread does look yummy......

Deborah said...

Congratulations, Josie! It looks delicious. Maybe I should try that recipe...I've never made good bread!
Hey Julie, I have a video on my blog your kids would enjoy.

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